The Loose Cannon Challenge is an annual, year long event. Each January we'll announce our range for the next 12 months - There are 22 beers for 2022! The challenge is to try them all. It can be a pint in the Taproom or just 1 litre bought from the shop. The challenge is to not miss any as most are only available for a limited period.
The Loose Cannon Challenge 2022
What is the Challenge?
What do I win?
If you successfully complete Challenge you will be invited to a Winners BBQ where all your food and beer is on us. You'll also receive a T-Shirt detailing your epic achievement and you will be immortalised on our iconic Wall of Fame
How Do I enter?
It's super simple stuff! Just pickup a stamp card from the Brewery shop and make sure to collect your stamps for each beer you try throughout the year.
Good Luck!