Never Gonna Give Brew Up

Never Gonna Give Brew Up

A West Coat IPA double hopped with Simcoe, Mosaic and Idaho #7.

Appearance: Pours a clear golden colour with a slightly hazy appearance. 
Aroma: Dominated by citrus and pine hops, with notes of grapefruit, lemon, and pine needles. There is also a touch of malt sweetness.
Flavour: Just as hoppy as the aroma. Citrus notes are present, with grapefruit and lemon being the most prominent with a hint of marmalade. The finish is dry and bitter, with a lingering hoppy aftertaste.
Mouthfeel: Medium-bodied and slightly creamy. The conditioning is moderate, providing a good balance to the bitterness.
Food pairing: This beer would pair well with spicy food, such as a curry or tacos. It would also be good with grilled meats or seafood.

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